Case Manager / Counselor - (Bachelor's) Knox, Blount, & Anderson
Company: Helen Ross McNabb Center
Location: Knoxville
Posted on: March 1, 2025
Job Description:
Case Manager / Counselor - (Bachelor's) Knox, Blount, &
We've been waiting for someone like you!With a wide range of
available positions in East Tennessee, you have many opportunities
join the McNabb Center team in fulfilling our mission: "Improving
the lives of the people we serve"!If you are interested in
bachelor's level positions working with clients in our clinics or
in the community take a look at the positions below and select
(NON-RESIDENTIAL)Case Managers provide an integrative approach
tocoordinating the care of their clients. Working with a defined
caseload, casemanagers partner with the client to devise a
treatment plan to meet their individualgoals and objectives toward
improving their lives. The heart of social work beats in thechest
of every McNabb Case Manager and is the backbone of the
organization,living out our mission of "Improving the lives of the
people we serve" on a day-to-day basis.Caseload andfrequency of
contact vary based on client needs and acuity, program focus,
andpopulation served. These factors as well as travel requirements
and on-callexpectation determine salary. AnF endorsement is
required as many of the case management positions
providetransportation as necessary.Examples of case managers
includeHealthLink Care Coordinators, Safety Net Case Managers, &
CCT Case Managers, and several others. Specialists and
Counselors(non-residential) provide information and referral,
agency linkage, advocacy, homevisits and follow-up services as
defined by individualized goals of programparticipants. This
includes a range of services from employment support,child
development, family support, HIV education and wraparound support,
childabuse prevention, juvenile justice reform and more. Caseload
and frequency of contact vary based onclient needs and acuity,
program focus, and population served. These factors aswell as
travel requirements and on-call expectation determine salary.
Examples of Specialists and Counseling positionsare: Family
Treatment Specialist, SOR (State Opioid Response) Pathfinder,
HIVWraparound Specialist, Healthy Families Support Worker. Starting
salary ranges from $15.93-$20.05 / hourdepending on position,
education and relevant experience.PEER SUPPORTSPECIALISTSPeer
SupportSpecialists are individuals that are a primary mental health
consumerwith appropriate life experience (mental health or
substance use) and a desireto be a role model for recovery. Some
experience leading groups is desired aswell as experience in
customer service. Applicantsshould possess the ability to relate to
individuals and families of variedethnic and cultural backgrounds,
ages, educational levels, and economiccircumstances with respect
and dignity. Caseload and frequency of contact vary based onclient
needs and acuity, program focus, and population served. These
factors aswell as travel requirements and on-call expectation
determine salary. Examplesof Peer Support Specialists are CSU Peer
Support Worker, First EpisodePsychosis (FEP) Peer Recovery
Specialist, and Systems of Care Across Tennessee(SOCAT) Family
Support Specialist.Starting salary is $15.93 / hourdepending on
position, education, and relevant experience. Increased salary if
individual is a validCertified Peer Recovery
Specialist.RESIDENTIALCOUNSELORSResidentialCounselors are
identified as residentialbecause they are based in a facility that
utilizes round-the-clock staff (CSU,BHUCC, Supportive Housing,
Adolescent Residential Treatment, Adult A&D,etc.). Work
schedulesare often shift based and require evenings, overnights,
weekends, andholidays. Shiftdifferential supplemental pay is
available for 2nd and 3rdshift in most residential facilities.
Someprograms transport clients to and from the facility as
required, and an Fendorsement may be required. ResidentialCounselor
is a direct care position that involves supervising
/monitoringclients in an inpatient or residential setting,
performing intakes,inventorying belongings, performing safety
checks, facilitating psychoeducationalgroups, and providing a
supportive environment for the clients. Examples of residential
facilities at McNabbCenter are Gateway and Katie Miller (both
adolescent residential treatmentfacilities), ILS (long-term care
for individuals with severe and persistentmental illness),
Supportive Housing, Crisis Stabilization Units (Knox,
Hamblen,Children's Hospital), and CenterPointe Residential Detox
and Treatment.Setting, client population and acuity as well
asposition, education and relevant experience determine salary. The
salary rangefor these roles (with a bachelor's degree) is:
$17.19-$17.52 / hour. HS positions alsoavailable (see HS
post).Apply now to join the McNabb Center Team today!NOTE:
Keywords: Helen Ross McNabb Center, Knoxville , Case Manager / Counselor - (Bachelor's) Knox, Blount, & Anderson, Executive , Knoxville, Tennessee
here to apply!